Friday, March 02, 2007

Men's Leadership Meeting - Thursday March 8, 2007, 7-8 p.m.

I have an opportunity to surround myself with a bunch of leaders next week during the New Cov Band of Brothers Leadership Meeting. I am really looking forward to our time together. We have a great group of guys and I love to hear their insights and see how they envision God using them to develop discipling relationships with other men.

Each meeting we do some planning but, most importantly, we spend some time studying leadership principles. This next meeting I am planning on discussing the first principle covered in the podcast - Practically Speaking. This podcast is based on a book written by the leadership team at North Pointe Church led by Andy Stanley called Seven Practices of Effective Ministry. I have listened to the entire series and got a lot out of it. I am really challenged by a couple of the suggestions being challenged is good and caused me to ask myself why I believe what I believe.

I plan on giving the guys a copy of the first topic "Clarify the Win" beforehand so they can listen to it and then it will be our topic of discussion for the leadership development portion of the meeting. I subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. You can find a link to the subscription page on the website liked to above.

The Clarify The Win audio is downloadable here.

Practice #1 - Clarify The Win
Even the best team can't score if it can't find home plate. In this conversation, we'll discuss the importance of clearly defining wins at every level of your organization.

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